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20 Amazing American Football Quotes To Inspire and Motivate Your Team
Football Quotes For The Ages American football is a sport that requires enormous amounts of strength, skill, and mental toughness. It's an intense game where one has to be physically fit and mental...

How to Throw, Catch, and Kick a Football Like The Pros
Some of the most exciting plays to happen during a football game are pass plays. A good pass play is the fastest way to move the ball down the field and can result in a spectacular highlight. Pro T...

What is a Touchback? and Other Football Rules You May Not Know
For new fans of the sport, some of the rules and terminology surrounding football can be unclear or confusing. The meaning behind many of these terms is not initially oToucbvious. Here are a few fo...

Who Invented Football? When & Where?
Who Invented American Football (Not Soccer) If you had to attribute the invention of modern American football to someone, however, Walter Camp is the man. Often called the "The Father of American ...
What Size Football Should I Buy? NFL, NCAA, High School, Junior, Pee Wee 🏈
American Football Size Chart Age Football Size Football Weight Length Ages 9 and under Pee-WeeSize 5 10-10.5 ounces 10 Inches Ages 10-12 JuniorSize 6 11-11.5 ounces 10.5 Inches A...

How Many Cows Are Killed Each Year for Footballs?
According to our previous report, one cowhide 20 footballs, which mean 35,000 hides, are used to manufacture NFL footballs every year. The perfect 1 in 1 device. One in every four adult cattle is s...