How to Say "Soccer Ball" in Spanish: Key Terms for Soccer Players and Fans

Soccer Ball In Spanish: "Balón"
The word for soccer ball is “balón” (bah-LAWN). If you’re watching a soccer game in Spain, Latin America, or any Spanish-speaking country, this is the word you’ll often hear. Balón is a masculine noun, so you’ll use “el balón” when talking about it.
Are you planning to attend a soccer game in a Spanish-speaking country or joining a Spanish team? Do you want to learn the right words to describe the game of soccer in Spanish? Then, you’re in the right place.
If you’re an athlete, a soccer enthusiast, or simply want to impress your Spanish-speaking friends, you need to know the key soccer terms in Spanish. In this blog post, we’ll focus on how to say “soccer ball” in Spanish and other terms that you need to know. So, get ready to expand your soccer vocabulary in Spanish!
1. Field: In soccer, the playing surface is called “field” or “pitch” in English. In Spanish, the word for field is “campo” (KAM-poh). When talking about the soccer field, you’ll use the phrase “el campo de fútbol” (ehl KAM-poh de FOOT-bohl).
2. Goal: In soccer, the objective is to score a goal. This term remains the same in Spanish, “el gol” (ehl GOHL), and it is often used in the plural form, “los goles.” Therefore, when a team scores a goal, the crowd cheers, “¡Gol!” or "Gooolll" (Gohhll!).
3. Referee: The person in charge of enforcing the rules on the soccer field is the referee. In Spanish, the word for referee is “árbitro” (AR-bee-troh). If you’re playing in a soccer match or watching one, you need to pay attention to what the “árbitro” is signaling.
4. Yellow Card and Red Card: Yellow and red cards play a significant role in soccer, as they indicate fouls, misconducts, and sends off the players for the remainder of the game. In Spanish, the yellow card is “la tarjeta amarilla” (lah tar-HEY-tah ah-mah-REE-yah), and the red card is “la tarjeta roja” (lah tar-HEY-tah ROH-hah). If a player gets a yellow card, they have to be careful not to get another one, as that would result in a red card.
Learning soccer terms in Spanish will not only help you appreciate the game better but it will also make it easier for you to communicate with Spanish-speaking soccer fans, players, and coaches. So, the next time you’re watching a soccer game in a Spanish-speaking country or joining a Spanish soccer team, make sure to remember these key terms. Vamos, chicos y chicas (let's go, boys and girls)! Now, you’re ready to cheer on the team in Spanish!